David L. Robb is an award-winning freelance journalist, nominated for the Pulitzer Prize three times. He has published articles in the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Daily News, the Nation, LA Weekly, Salon.com, HollywoodToday.net and Brill’s Content. For many years Robb was a labor and legal reporter for the Hollywood Reporter and Daily Variety.
OPERATION HOLLYWOOD: How the Pentagon Shapes and Censors the Movies (2004) “Robb’s book should outrage most Americans and lead to hearings in Congress. Congress has never given the military the authority to use public funds and resources to engage in its own self-serving efforts to shape its public image. In the very least, it is a misuse of public funds. At worst, it is a new variation on censorship, crafted to operate in the shadow of the First Amendment.” -Jonathan Turley Shapiro Professor of Pubic Interest Law, George Washington University Law School. Click here for purchase at Prometheus Books.com.
Operacion Hollywood: La Censura del Pentagono (Spanish Edition 2006). Click here for purchase at Amazon.com.
The Shrink and the Gumshoe: Nixon, Kennedy and the Secret History of the 1960 Election (2010) .